Blogging was always an interest of mine. I always knew I would enjoy blogging but I never thought to start my own blog until about a year ago. As social media platforms started to become popular and used by millions of people, especially Instagram, it became another place for bloggers to spread their word and make their voices heard by reaching out to so many people.
Now, for years I thought about starting but it took me a while to take action. I was finding millions of excuses and was being so picky about finding the right name and hated every name I would think of. The name was really important to me. I wanted it to be simple yet meaningful. So, I brainstormed for days, weeks and months. One day it just came to me. It was a light bulb moment (ta daaaaa). This was great, this meant I could finally start my blog because I would tell myself once I find my blog name then I would start. It was as simple as just coming on here and start posting right? But no it wasn’t that simple for me. I was nervous, anxious, excited, scared… Basically every emotion you could think of.
So I realized I had a problem and I knew I had to fix it. My problem was talking myself out of doing things that I wasn’t completely confident about doing. So I started to look for motivational books and videos to help with my problem. I came across the book “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins, which I highly recommend to everyone who has a hard time making decisions, anyone who starts letting their negative emotions take over and to people who want to do something they’ve been wanting to do but never had the courage to do so. I, then, applied this 5 second rule and told myself just start.
Here I am today writing my first blog post!! This blog will be all about fitness, food recipes, beauty, and fashion. I want to build a community where we can stay motivated, healthy, trendy and of course Savvē all together!
LOVE!!! i still struggle with this! going look into the book by mel robbins – thanks for the tip! : )
Yesss! 5 Second rule was an amazing read. I highly recommend it. Let me know how you like it if you end up reading it 🙂