5 Delicious Fruit Infused Water Recipes (Detox Water)
Fruit infused water, also known as detox water, is the new way to stay hydrated.

Summer being around the corner, we have to make sure we’re staying hydrated more than before.. This is definitely a “practice what you preach” moment because I am that person who only drinks water when I am feeling thirsty. I never could get used to drinking 8 glasses of water a day, although I would have no problem drinking 8 glasses of wine (LOL come on I know I’m not the only one). That being said, fruit infused waters have been a life saver!!
Fruit infused water is not only a tastier & fun way of staying hydrated but it also has health benefits to cleanse & soothe your system, while keeping you hydrated! (HEY! Its a win win situay!) You can also make it with sparkling water if you’re feeling a little extra 😉 (TIP: I find that watermelon and berries go well with sparkling water.)
I will share with you 5 yummy fruit infused water recipes, and the health benefits of each ingredient.

Detox Water #1
Mint Leaves
Detox Water #2
Blueberries Water
Detox Water #3
Mint Leaves
Lime Cucumber
Pellegrino Sparkling water
Detox Water #4
Pellegrino Sparkling water
Detox Water #5
Fresh Mint Leaves

Lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C which strengthens the
immune system. It acts as a detoxifying agent and is great for
maintaining digestive health. It is also beneficial for skin problems.
Cucumbers are known for promoting hydration. They are refreshing
and nutritious. Cucumbers contain a lot of vitamins, including
vitamin B, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, as well as, potassium and manganese.
They help control diabetes, promote bone health, boost
cardiovascular health, act as an anti inflammatory and also good for
skin health.
Ginger has a long history of medicinal uses. It is anti inflammatory an
d full of antioxidants. To name a few of the benefits, Ginger relieves
nausea, treats cold and flu, and can reduce pain (ladies, especially
menstrual cramps).
Fresh mint is packed with benefits. Adding fresh mint to your water
doesn’t only make it refreshing, it works wonders in aiding digestion,
helping with headaches, giving your skin the glow you need and
helping reduce stress.
Oranges are packed with so many benefits. Just like lemons, oranges a
re high in vitamin C, therefor they protect against illnesses. They add
sweetness to your water and help get rid of toxins from your body.
Blueberries really complement the stronger taste of the oranges. Blue
berries are known for being high in antioxidants, specifically have
been known to help prevent cancer.
Red Raspberries contain strong antioxidants such as Vitamin C, fights
against cancer, heart and circulatory disease.
Just like all other citrus fruits, lime is a good source of vitamin C and
are packed with antioxidants. The citric acid from limes can help
boost metabolism while giving you energy!
Watermelons are body healing fruits. They are very hydrating as is.
Watermelon supports cardiovascular and bone health, reduces body
fat, and contain compounds that reduce inflammation and neutralize
free radicals.
Basil is rich in vitamin A, K and C and has some amazing health
benefits, such as reducing stress, detoxifying the liver and even has
anti aging properties.
Strawberries add a natural sweetness to your water. They improve
heart health and help with blood sugar control.

Comment below if you tried any of these fruit infused water! Let me know if you know of any other ones 🙂 I would love to hear your feedback!!
i loveeee fruit infused water! we’re in hawaii rn & i’m literally filling our water bottles with fruit infused water from the hotel all the time lol sooo yummy!!! at home, we love to add lime or lemon to our pellegrino for a fun little kick! yum!
That sounds like fun!!! lol Hope you are enjoying your time in Hawaii.